
Acoustic Guitar

Electric Guitar

Bass Guitar



When is my child ready to learn an instrument?

Children learn and develop in all areas at different rates.  Think back to the various milestones of crawling and walking.  These are accomplished at different ages for all of us, bearing no reflection on our future cognitive or intellectual ability.  It is the same with being ready to learn an instrument, each child is ready when they are ready, not when they reach a particular age. 


Developmentally ready

Once a child’s fine motor skills have developed and they are able to move each finger up and down independently, then they are physically at a point where piano lessons may be introduced.  However, they also need to be able to sit for 10 - 15 minutes at the piano. 

The piano is often a child’s first instrument as it uses both hands and co-ordinates two clefs.  Many children learn the piano for three or four years and then move onto another instruments that allow them to join a school ensemble.

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Are they interested?

Has your child expressed an interest in playing an instrument?  
Allowing a child to explore music before learning an instrument has enormous benefit.  Providing a foundation of listening and moving to music gives children a context for the fundamentals of beat and rhythm.  These activities are embedded within the music masters group classes that provide numerous opportunities for children to experience music. 


Music Masters Music School

Every lesson children are given opportunities to experience beat, rhythm and further develop their listening and singing skills.

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